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Crypto's downfall 加密币大厦将倾 | 经济学人社论高质量双语精翻


Crypto's downfall


Is this the end of crypto? The collapse of FTX has dealt a catastrophic blow to crypto’s reputation and aspirations.


Crypto's downfall 加密币大厦将倾 | 经济学人社论高质量双语精翻

The fall from grace was hard and fast. Only a fortnight ago Sam Bankman-Fried was in the stratosphere. FTX, his cryptocurrency exchange, then the third-largest, was valued at $32bn; his own wealth was estimated at $16bn. To the gushing venture capitalists (VCs) of Silicon Valley he was the financial genius who could wow investors while playing video games, destined, perhaps, to become the world’s first trillionaire. In Washington he was the acceptable face of crypto, communing with lawmakers and bankrolling efforts to influence its regulation.

从云端跌落,已成定局。就在两周前,山姆·班克曼·弗雷德(Sam Bankman-Fried,简称SBF,量化交易团队Alameda Research创始人,FTX联合创始人、前CEO。——译者注)还高高在上。他当时的第三大加密货币交易所FTX的估值为320亿美元,而他的个人财富估计有160亿美元。相对于硅谷那些夸夸其谈的风险资本家,他是一位金融天才,可以一边玩电子游戏,一边让投资者惊叹不已,也许他注定会成为世界上第一个万亿富翁。在华盛顿,他是公认的加密货币代言人,他与立法者交流,并提供资金对加密货币加强监管。

Today there is nothing left but 1m furious creditors, dozens of shaky crypto firms and a proliferation of regulatory and criminal probes. The high-speed implosion of FTX has dealt a catastrophic blow to an industry with a history of failure and scandals. Never before has crypto looked so criminal, wasteful and useless.


The more that comes out about the demise of FTX, the more shocking the tale becomes. The exchange’s own terms of service said it would not lend customers’ assets to its trading arm. Yet of $14bn of such assets, it had reportedly lent $8bn-worth to Alameda Research, a trading firm also owned by Mr Bankman-Fried. In turn, it accepted as collateral its own digital tokens, which it had conjured out of thin air. A fatal run on the exchange exposed the gaping hole in its balance-sheet. To cap it all, after FTX declared bankruptcy in America, hundreds of millions of dollars mysteriously flowed out of its accounts.

关于FTX倒闭的报道越多,这个故事就越耸人听闻。该交易所自己的服务条款表示,不会将客户的资产出借给其交易部门。然而,据报道,FTX将价值达140亿美元客户资产中的80亿出借给了同样是SBF所有的阿拉米达研究(Alameda Research)贸易公司。反过来,它又接受了自己凭空变出来的数字加密币作为抵押品。一场致命的挤兑暴露了其资产负债表上的大窟窿。更糟糕的是,FTX在美国宣布破产后,数以亿计的美元神秘地从它的账户中流出。

Big personalities, incestuous loans, overnight collapses—these are the stuff of classic financial manias, from tulip fever in 17th-century Holland to the South Sea Bubble in 18th-century Britain to America’s banking crises in the early 1900s. At its peak last year, the market value of all cryptocurrencies surged to the giddy height of almost $3trn, up from nearly $800bn at the start of 2021. Today it is back at $830bn.


As at the end of any mania, the question now is whether crypto can ever be useful for anything other than scams and speculation. The promise was of a technology that could make financial intermediation faster, cheaper and more efficient. Each new scandal that erupts makes it more likely that genuine innovators will be frightened off and the industry will dwindle. Yet a chance remains, diminishing though it is, that some lasting innovation will one day emerge. As crypto falls to Earth, that slim chance should be kept alive.


Amid the wreckage of the past week, it is worth remembering the technology’s underlying potential. Conventional banking requires a vast infrastructure to maintain trust between strangers. This is expensive and is often captured by insiders who take a cut. Public blockchains, by contrast, are built on a network of computers, making their transactions transparent and, in theory, trustworthy. Interoperable, open-source functions can be built on top of them, including self-executing smart contracts that are guaranteed to function as written. A system of tokens, and rules governing them, can collectively offer a clever way to incentivise open-source contributors. And arrangements that would be expensive or impractical to enforce in the real world become possible—allowing artists to retain a stake in the profits from the resale of their digital works, for instance.


The disappointment is that, 14 years after the Bitcoin blockchain was invented, little of this promise has been realised. Crypto’s frenzy drew in talent from bright graduates to Wall Street professionals, and capital from VC firms, sovereign-wealth and pension funds. Vast quantities of money, time, talent and energy have been used to build what amount to virtual casinos. Efficient, decentralised versions of mainstream financial functions, such as currency exchanges and lending, exist. But many consumers, fearful of losing their money, do not trust them. Instead, they are used to speculate on unstable tokens. Money-launderers, sanctions-dodgers and scammers abound.


Presented with all this, a sceptic might say that now is the time to regulate the industry out of existence. But a capitalist society should allow investors to take risks in the knowledge that they will make losses if their bets go sour. Even as crypto has imploded, the spillovers to the wider financial system have been manageable. FTX’s backers included Sequoia, a Californian VC firm; Temasek, a Singaporean sovereign-wealth fund; and the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan. All have lost money, but none catastrophically.

在这一形势下,持怀疑态度的人可能会说,现在是对这个行业进行监管的时候了。但资本主义社会应该允许投资者承担风险,因为他们知道,如果他们的押错赌注,就应蒙受损失。尽管加密货币已经崩溃,但是它对更广泛金融体系的溢出效应是可控的。FTX的支持者包括加州风险投资公司红杉资本(Sequoia)、新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡(Temasek)以及安省教师退休金计划(Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan)。它们都亏损了,但是并没有到灾难性的程度。

Moreover, sceptics should acknowledge that nobody can predict which innovations will bear fruit and which will not. People should be free to devote time and money to fusion power, airships, the metaverse and a host of other technologies that may never come good. Crypto is no different. As the virtual economy develops, useful decentralised applications may yet appear—who knows? The underlying technology continues to improve. An upgrade to Ethereum’s blockchain in September radically reduced its energy consumption, paving the way for it to handle high transaction volumes efficiently.


Instead of over-regulating or stamping out crypto, regulators should be guided by two principles. One is to ensure that theft and fraud are minimised, as with any financial activity. The other is to keep the mainstream financial system insulated from further crypto-ructions. Although blockchains were explicitly designed to escape regulation, these principles justify regulating the institutions that act as gatekeepers for the cryptosphere. Requiring exchanges to back customer deposits with liquid assets is an obvious step. A second is disclosure rules that reveal if, say, a gargantuan and dubiously collateralised loan has been made to the exchange’s own trading arm. Stablecoins, which are meant to hold their value in real-world currency, should be regulated as if they were payment instruments at banks.


Tulip bulb or light bulb?


Whether crypto survives, or becomes a financial curiosity like the tulip bulb, will not ultimately depend on regulation. The more scandals ensue, the more the whole enterprise and its aspirations become tainted. The lure of innovation means nothing if investors and users fear their money will disappear into thin air. For crypto to rise again, it must find a valid use that leaves the dodginess behind.



tulip bulb:郁金香球茎。此处指经济学历史上著名的郁金香泡沫案,又称郁金香效应。这一事件发生在17世纪的荷兰,是人类历史上有记载以来的最早投机活动。











Crypto's downfall 加密币大厦将倾 | 经济学人社论高质量双语精翻

Crypto's downfall 加密币大厦将倾 | 经济学人社论高质量双语精翻

Crypto's downfall 加密币大厦将倾 | 经济学人社论高质量双语精翻

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文章来源: 小美
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关键词: 郁金香 ftx crypto